Saturday, December 22, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Jaden Playing Hockey
This is a video of my seven year old son's hockey practice. He is number 5 wearing the teal jersey. He's still relatively new to skating, but he's doing pretty well.
Rock Band OK GO Here It Goes Again
Another embarassing Rock Band video. At least this time were pretty good at it. It's my sister, her boyfriend, and myself playing drums. This damn game is just too much fun. :)
Friday, November 23, 2007
Rock Band
Please don't watch this. :) I can't sing at all, the highlight is my Dad (who is doing the recording) swearing and talking over it. At least that's my favorite part.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Maybe the Packers are good
They just keep winning and winning. They are 7-1 now, and find a new way to win every week. Although, the last two games have been pretty much won with a bomb from Brett Favre to Greg Jennings, it's still awesome. :) Maybe they need to go deep more earlier in the game. Or maybe that wouldn't work, it has to be set up with all sorts of slants, outs, and crossing routes first. Can't wait until Thanksgiving to see the Pack kick the Lions ass.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
2007 Green Bay Packers
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
2007 Green Bay Packers

My Green Bay Packers are now 2-0, are they actually good? The answer is maybe. The first game they kind of lucked their way into winning. Philly really didn't want to win that game, and pretty much gave it to the Packers. This past Sunday they went into New York and kind of pounded on the Giants. Are the Giants terrible, not really, they just aren't great. The Packers D is pretty awesome though, and that Brett Favre guy threw 3 touches and looked pretty damn good. We'll see how great that Packers D is this weekend against the Chargers. Although, the Chargers have looked pretty shitty so far this year. I just hope the Packers win, but allow Antonia Gates to catch about 11 balls and score twice. (He's on my fantasy team.) :)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Flying Car
I've been on another Kevin Smith kick lately, and I thought about this video. Just thought I would post it in case you haven't seen it.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Family Guy Ramadan Clip Osama Bin Laden
This is just my little part to help celebrate the beginning of Ramadan. :)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
My favorite SNL Digital Short
I thought this was hillarious the first time I saw it on SNL, and it's still pretty damn funny.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Going back to school!!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Best Simpson's Video Game Ever?
It wouldn't be too difficult to be the greatest Simpson's game ever, but I have high hopes for this one. Simpson's Hit and Run a few years ago was probably the best, with pretty much everything else being total rubbish. This game keeps looking better and better, the graphics look great and it's got a great premise. Where the Simpson's realize they have been licensed in yet another video game and have video game like powers. I'm really looking forward to it. Even with all the great games about to come out (Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Guitar Hero 3, Rock Band, etc..) this one might be my favorite of the bunch. Well hopefully it will be. :)
The IT Crowd
This is Episode 1 of this great TV series, check it out. The series really picks up after this first episode, although this is very funny. I read on my buddy Karl's blog that the American version of this show has alrady been bumped from the fall line up and banished to mid-season pick up duty. Oh well, it probably wasn't going to be as good as this show anyway.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Madden 08 (Xbox 360)
Madden has been out for a few weeks now, and I've been playing it pretty regularly. I have to say it's one of the best versions of Madden in a long time. Sure the announcer sucks, but who cares. With the 360 you can stream whatever music you want to hear from your PC, which is awesome. I really like cranking up The Matches, Lucky Confusion, or some Reel Big Fish while playing a little Madden. The animations are pretty awesome this year. There are some new sideline catches, which are pretty fun to watch. I kinda wish I was playing some Madden right now. Well, if you haven't picked it up yet, you should. If you are debating between the PS3 version and the Xbox 360 version, go for the 360 version. It's running at 60 fps compared to the 30 fps it's running on the PS3. If I had to rate the game I would give it a 9 out of 10.
How much is your site worth?
This was kind of fun, even though I wouldn't sell my domain for only $90. :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Life on Mars
I haven't updated my blog in quite some time, it's been summer so my computer usage has been down. Thanks to my buddy Karl I am watching the second season of Life on Mars on DVD. I think he said it's also the last season, which sucks, but I will try not to cry too much.
It's such a great show though, and I have only watched a few episodes so far. Both seasons are available on DVD, although you might have to import the second season if you want to watch it right now. The series has also aired on BBC America, at least the first season. I am sure they are planning on airing the second season as well. Anyway, check out the trailer, and check out the series.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
How fast is your Internet?

Sunday, March 11, 2007
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix
Well, I've invested some time trying to get better at DDR. I'm not so good at it. I've done all the tutorials, and I've made it past a few of the songs. I actually recognize some of the songs, so that makes it a little more fun. When you get a chance to dance to some Chris Brown in your living room everythng is good. :)
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Super Paper Mario
Finally on April 9th there will be another Wii game worth purchasing. I can't wait to get my hands on this game. The Paper Mario series has always been very fun. Now we just need some Mario Sports titles and Mario Kart to come out with online multiplayer. I would probably not have to ever leave the house again. :)
Monday, March 5, 2007
Am I the only one interested in this movie? I love the look of the animation, and I am excited to go see it. Hopefully I can time it right, and take the kid to go see it before somebody else does. :)
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Can you name all 50 states?
50 States Quiz
The Matches, Epitaph 2007
The Matches are Co-Headlining the 2007 Epitaph Tour. Last night they didn't close the show, which suprised me since they are pretty popular in Detroit and I never heard of the band that closed the show. As a matter of fact, I still don't know the name of the band that closed the show last night. We were by the bar drinking when what I thought was going to be another horrible opening band began singing Shoot Me in the Smile, I though it was odd that another band on the tour would be covering a Matches song, so I looked up and it was The Matches. I was suprised to say the least. Here is the setlist from last night:
Shoot Me In the Smile
Chain Me Free
My Soft and Deep
Papercut Skin
Salty Eyes
Audio Blood
Sunburn Vs. the Rhinovirus
Little Maggots
What Katie Said
Sick Little Suicide
Papercut Skin
Dance Dance Revolution
As I consider actually purchasing the new DDR for the Xbox 360, I am reminded of the greatest scene in Grandma's Boy. Of course there weren't that many great scenes, but this one is funny as hell. I might just have to get the new DDR so I can practice at home, and some day be awesome at DDR. :)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
The Matches are coming next week!!
On March 2nd, 2007 The Matches are going to be at The Shelter in Detroit. I've been looking forward to this show for a long time, they are probably my favorite band right now, so go check them out. :) No seriously go to the show.
Lucky Boys Confusion, The Shelter, February 23rd, 2007
Last night may or may not be the last time we ever get to see Lucky Boys Confusion in Detroit. They are on what they call "hiatus", but the rest of us call breaking up. They have been a struggling rock band for 10 years, 7 of those years have been touring across the country playing close to 200 shows a year, and they are getting pretty burned out, and haven't quite made it to prime time yet. While bands that used to open for them, like Fall Out Boy, and the Plain White T's have had some success; Lucky Boys Confusion has not. While I like Fall Out Boy and the Plain White T's I don't think they are any better than LBC. I just hope this wasn't the last time we get to see them, well at least the show last night was great. Here is what I can remember from the set list.
Anything, Anything
Closer to Our Graves
Breaking Rules
Saturday Night
Rolling Rock
City Lights
Like Rats from a Sinking Ship
Blood Drops
Hey Driver
Not necessarily in that order, but pretty close. There were a few hundred people in The Shelter last night to see LBC, and it looked like the band was having a good time. I sure hope they don't call it quits, and keep making great music. The video isn't from last nights show, it's just the best one I could find on Youtube, everyone should check out Lucky Boys Confusion.
A new David Fincher movie is finally coming up in 2007, March 2nd to be exact. :) It's been 5 years since a Fincher directed flick has come out, and it's about time. I'm really looking forward to this one. I've loved most of Fincher's flicks like Fight Club, Seven, and The Game, while The Panic Room was pretty good I wouldn't put it up there with the other three. We don't really have to mention Alien 3, do we? This movie has a great cast with Jake Gyllenhaall, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey, Jr., and Anthony Edwards to name a few. I'll be going to see it next weekend for sure, and you probably should too.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Currently Playing: Crackdown (Xbox 360)
A new game has finally taken the place of Rainbow Six: Vegas in my 360 (at least for now). Yesterday Crackdown appeared in my mailbox. I haven't logged to much time in the game yet, but it's fun as hell. To sum up the game it's Grand Theft Auto on crack. It's has a few different islands where gangs have a presence and you have to get in there and restore order. The levels are crazy vertical, and there are a lot of things to do. I haven't unlocked too many achievements yet, but this video is of some of the trickier, fun achievements to get. I haven't even tried the Co-op option, but I'm looking forward to getting into that this weekend. I'll report more after I've put about 10 hours or so in. :)
Monday, February 19, 2007
The Simpsons Movie

Fox aired a new trailer for the upcoming Simpsons Movie last night during a commercial break. I don't know if it was the unusually good episode of The Simpsons that has me excited for the movie or if the movie actually looks good. I'll let the trailer speak for itself.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Currently Playing: Rainbow Six: Vegas
I can't get enough of this game. It's the only game that has been in my Xbox 360 as of late, and I don't see myself changing that disk out anytime soon. If you have a 360, you have to be playing this game. It's that much fun, the multi-player is amazing, and the single player is even great. It's fun as hell to play online with your friends. My gamertag is G Tuck add me, and we can play.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The Riches
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut

The HD-DVD for Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut finally arrived in my mailbox yesterday from Blockbuster. I have been waiting to see this cut of the film for years, and was excited to know it was finally being release on DVD and HD-DVD. Of course I opted for the HD-DVD version since it will be the highest quality version available.
First of all, this film is a lot better than the original Superman II. Of course there are still many cheesey spots, but that's ok. :) Maybe if this was the version released III and IV wouldn't have been so horrible. There is a ton more Brando as Jor-El (if only someone would have told him how to say Krypton) and that's a good thing. There is a lot more interaction between Clark and Lois, and there is even more Miss Teschmacher. There is plenty of new footage, and many new lines worked into the movie. I'm definately going to watch it again, and probably not ever watch the Lester released version again.
Monday, January 8, 2007
Monty Python's Spamalot